
3Dengine.org is my storage area of snippets/explainations about 3D graphics.

It lists useful snippets of code I've developed while learning OpenGL programming, as well as definitions of words, explanation of terms and references to sites and books where I found more info.
Last updated pages:
  1. Point Sprite
  2. Billboarding
  3. FPS Spectator code (PyOpenGL)
  4. Example of NumPy in PyOpenGL Call
  5. Disable Vsync
  6. Center of Viewport
  7. Right, Up, Back vectors From Modelview matrix [stub]
  8. Projection Matrix
  9. Radians to degrees
  10. LGPL (license)
  11. C++ Libraries
  12. Command-line
  13. PATH Variable
  14. Quaternions (C++ & Python)
  15. Python CallList class
  16. Heading, Pitch And Roll Angles
  17. GluProject (pyOpenGL)
  18. Cython and Mingw32
  19. Enemy
  20. Draw a grid (OpenGL)
  21. Depth Testing
  22. Direct3D and OpenGL
  23. Camera position in space (OpenGL)
  24. CallLists
  25. Vertex Buffer Object (fps test)
  26. Bounding Volume
  27. Bones
  28. Best language for game programming
  29. Avoid glGetFloatv In PyOpenGL
  30. Specular Map [stub]
  31. Texture Map [stub]
  32. Vertex [stub]
  33. Vertex Normal
  34. Viewport matrix
  35. Distance between 3D points
  36. glCallList PyOpenGL Template
  37. 3Dengine.org [cap]
  38. Frames per second
  39. 3D Engine explanation (What is "a 3d engine"?)
  40. Aspect Ratio
  41. Main OpenGL Matrices
  42. gluLookAt and Strafe
  43. 3D Web (o3d)
  44. Roll (in heading-pitch-roll)
  45. GPU [stub]
  46. OpenGL and Cython
  47. Modelview matrix
  48. Rotate around Arbitrary axis (vector)
  49. Spectator
  50. Numpy in game development [stub]
  51. Python in game development
  52. easy_install
  53. Drawing dotted lines (OpenGL)
  54. Occlusion culling [stub]
  55. Primitives
  56. Parallell Programming
  57. Shader
  58. Shading Language
  59. Random Lines (PyOpenGL)
  60. Pseudo Code
  61. Image Plane [stub]
  62. Projective Transformation
  63. Homogeneous coordinates
  64. Low Poly
  65. Normal Map [stub]
  66. Interpolation
  67. Opacity Map [stub]
  68. Procedural Textures
  69. Theprodukkt
  70. 3D Modeling
  71. Procedural World
  72. Game Types [stub]
  73. Room
  74. Left-right In Noise Detection
  75. Skinning
  76. Objects
  77. Theory of Fun in games (book review)
  78. GLEW
  79. Model Requirement
  80. Normal
  81. Plane
  82. Scene Graph
  83. Screen Space [stub]
  84. Hidden Objects
  85. Plural of "axis"
  86. Power-of-two
  87. Rasterization
  88. Row-major / Column-major ordering
  89. Flipping axes
  90. Heading
  91. Face
  92. Multiple Views
  93. Map
  94. Pitch
  95. Degrees to radians
  96. Psychology (related to games) [stub]
  97. Game success factors [stub]
  98. Debugging (OpenGL)
  99. SMP (OpenGL)
  100. Pi (math constant)